Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our Assets Are Everything

My greatest personal asset is my brutal honesty, towards myself, mostly because it keeps my ego in check, and towards others when absolutely necessary, like when their ego needs checked.

My absolute worst personal asset is my brutal honesty, towards myself, mostly because it keeps my confidence below its full potential, and also towards others when absolutely necessary, which tends to tick people off.

The ego and confidence of  humankind can be our best and worst trait all at once. Without them you may never reach your highest point of success, yet with to much of either you're surely destined to be knocked off the high point you worked so hard for. The greatest achievement of all is finding that happy middle ground that compliments your success and keeps you humble.


  1. Well said, Scott. Sometimes moderation is the key to a happy life. Great post about something that many of us often forget.

  2. Amen! So true. I find myself all over that spectrum, but the best is definitely the middle.
